Monday, June 22, 2009

Pre-trip thoughts

Today's the day! We leave for Amarillo, Dalhart and places further west today!

After talking with the youth minister at the baptist church in Dalhart, he's arranged 3 mini-events at which our youth will serve.

The first is at a food pantry. I suspect we'll be organizing, cleaning, etc.

The second is at the Dalhart crisis pregnancy center. I'm not sure what we'll do there, but i would hope it would include holding CUTE babies!

The third is at the nursing home in Dalhart, either helping the senior citizens do "weird science" or leading them in a time of music and a puppet show!

Please pray that we arrive in Dalhart safely, that our trip is smooth and with few problems.

More later,


1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should just WATCH "Weird Science" with the senior citizens? (Just kidding!)
